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Watercolor Fairies: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating the Fairy World - купить в электронном или бумажном виде

Watercolor Fairies: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating the Fairy World
название : Watercolor Fairies: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating the Fairy World
издатель : Watson-Guptill
автор: David Riche and Anna Franklin
год: September 1, 2004
формат: pdf
страниц: 131
Language: English
ISBN : 978-0823056408
размер архива: 30,85 мб
Вдохновенный гид для рисунка и живописи волшебного царства, эта книга рассказывает о происхождение и развитие волшебного искусства
An inspirational guide to drawing and painting the fairy realm, this enchanting book looks at the origins and development of fairy art, and draws upon a wide range of art, literature, mythology, and folklore surrounding fairies. Readers are shown how to invoke the fairy spirit and bring to life the nymphs, sprites, and sylphs of a fabled realm. Easy-to-follow, step-by-step illustrations and photographs enable beginning artists to recreate flower fairies, celestial spirits, and mischievous dark fairies, as well as learn how to capture exquisite detail such as delicate wings and sheer gowns. Artists learn how to turn their brush into a wand and create an entire fairy kingdom in watercolor, the dreamiest medium with which to convey the spirit and nature of these fairy folk.

23-12-2009, 14:00 | Просмотров: 776 | Комментариев: 0 | Опубликовал: Admin          Катерогия:Живопись и рисование
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