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Shape №1 2010
6-01-2010, 19:28 | Просмотров: 561 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Журналы о здоровье
Shape №1  2010

Название: Shape №1 (январь 2010)
Страниц: 126
Формат: pdf
Качество: хорошее
Размер файла: 52,6 Мб
Язык: русский
Журнал для тех, кто заботится о своем здоровье
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Нежная забота о сердце и сосудах. Спецвыпуск "Будьте здоровы" №6,2009.
6-01-2010, 19:27 | Просмотров: 586 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Журналы о здоровье
Нежная забота о сердце и сосудах. Спецвыпуск "Будьте здоровы" №6,2009.
Название: Нежная забота о сердце и сосудах
Издательство: "Партнёр"
Год: 2009
Страниц: 36
Формат: Djvu
Размер: 5,29 Мб
Содержание: Чем живёт и чем страдает наше сердце; Здоровье сердца зависит только от нас!; "Железное" здоровье; Аневризма аорты; Сердечная астма. При приступе не паниковать!; Если есть угроза закупорки сосудов; Шелковица — при миокардиодистрофии помощница; Нехитрые правила для сердечников; Лечим воспалённые вены; "Цитрусовый" мед против церебросклероза; Мои советы от носовых кровотечений; Боремся с низкой свертываемостью крови; Аневризма аорты; Советы травников от воспаления перикарда; Устраним спазмы сосудов; Справляемся с приливами к голове.
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Скачать Нежная забота о сердце и сосудах. Спецвыпуск "Будьте здоровы" №6,2009. 
Il Tempo - Salute&Benessere ( 30 Novembre 2009)
6-01-2010, 19:23 | Просмотров: 613 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Журналы о здоровье
Il Tempo - Salute&Benessere ( 30 Novembre 2009)
название : Salute&Benessere
издатель : Società Editrice Il Tempo s.r.l.
год: 30 Novembre 2009
язык : итальянский
формат: pdf
страниц : 24
размер: 13,87мб
Il nuovo mensile de IL TEMPO:edizione
Cambia cibo cambia vita
La buona cucinainsegnata ai bimbifa bene al cuoree ai genitori
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Легко худеем №1-2 2010
6-01-2010, 19:23 | Просмотров: 516 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Журналы о здоровье
Легко худеем №1-2 2010

Название: Легко худеем
Год / месяц: 2010 / январь-февраль
Номер: 1-2
Формат: PDF
Размер: 50 МБ

Журнал "Легко худеем" рассказывает о том, как: сохранить стройность, не утратив бодрости и хорошего настроения; выглядеть стильно при любой комплекции; какими новыми блюдами себя порадовать без ущерба для фигуры.
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Qi Magazine 52 2000
29-12-2009, 02:43 | Просмотров: 466 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Журналы о здоровье
Qi Magazine 52 2000

Qi Magazine 52
Publisher: Tse Qigong Centre 2000 40 Pages
Qi Magazine is a newsstand periodical launched in the mid-1990s to cover the world of qigong and inform the English-speaking world of the spectrum of practice and thought being offered by various master practitioners in the West. Qigong is the collective name of a number of exercise systems that emerged through the centuries in China. On one end of the spectrum, hard qigong, designed to build the body, grades into Tai Chi and the martial arts. On the other end, soft qigong, designed to relax the body and improve health, fades into acu-puncture and the practice of Chinese medicine.
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Qi Magazine 36 1998
29-12-2009, 02:43 | Просмотров: 518 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Журналы о здоровье
Qi Magazine 36 1998

Qi Magazine 36
Publisher: Tse Qigong Centre 1998 39 Pages
Qi Magazine is a newsstand periodical launched in the mid-1990s to cover the world of qigong and inform the English-speaking world of the spectrum of practice and thought being offered by various master practitioners in the West. Qigong is the collective name of a number of exercise systems that emerged through the centuries in China. On one end of the spectrum, hard qigong, designed to build the body, grades into Tai Chi and the martial arts. On the other end, soft qigong, designed to relax the body and improve health, fades into acu-puncture and the practice of Chinese medicine.
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Скачать Qi Magazine 36 1998 
Qi Magazine 53 2001
29-12-2009, 02:43 | Просмотров: 439 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Журналы о здоровье
Qi Magazine 53 2001

Qi Magazine 53
Publisher: Tse Qigong Centre 2001 43 Pages
Qi Magazine is a newsstand periodical launched in the mid-1990s to cover the world of qigong and inform the English-speaking world of the spectrum of practice and thought being offered by various master practitioners in the West. Qigong is the collective name of a number of exercise systems that emerged through the centuries in China. On one end of the spectrum, hard qigong, designed to build the body, grades into Tai Chi and the martial arts. On the other end, soft qigong, designed to relax the body and improve health, fades into acu-puncture and the practice of Chinese medicine.
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Скачать Qi Magazine 53 2001 
Qi Magazine 80 2006
29-12-2009, 02:42 | Просмотров: 479 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Журналы о здоровье
Qi Magazine 80 2006

Qi Magazine 80
Publisher: Tse Qigong Centre 2006 48 Pages
Qi Magazine is a newsstand periodical launched in the mid-1990s to cover the world of qigong and inform the English-speaking world of the spectrum of practice and thought being offered by various master practitioners in the West. Qigong is the collective name of a number of exercise systems that emerged through the centuries in China. On one end of the spectrum, hard qigong, designed to build the body, grades into Tai Chi and the martial arts. On the other end, soft qigong, designed to relax the body and improve health, fades into acu-puncture and the practice of Chinese medicine.
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Скачать Qi Magazine 80 2006 
Magazine 88 2008
29-12-2009, 02:42 | Просмотров: 533 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Журналы о здоровье
Magazine 88 2008

Qi Magazine 88
Publisher: Tse Qigong Centre 2008 60 Pages
Qi Magazine is a newsstand periodical launched in the mid-1990s to cover the world of qigong and inform the English-speaking world of the spectrum of practice and thought being offered by various master practitioners in the West. Qigong is the collective name of a number of exercise systems that emerged through the centuries in China. On one end of the spectrum, hard qigong, designed to build the body, grades into Tai Chi and the martial arts. On the other end, soft qigong, designed to relax the body and improve health, fades into acu-puncture and the practice of Chinese medicine.
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Скачать Magazine 88 2008 
Qi Magazine 90 2009
29-12-2009, 02:41 | Просмотров: 444 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Журналы о здоровье
Qi Magazine 90 2009

Qi Magazine 90
Publisher: Tse Qigong Centre 2009 64 Pages
Qi Magazine is a newsstand periodical launched in the mid-1990s to cover the world of qigong and inform the English-speaking world of the spectrum of practice and thought being offered by various master practitioners in the West. Qigong is the collective name of a number of exercise systems that emerged through the centuries in China. On one end of the spectrum, hard qigong, designed to build the body, grades into Tai Chi and the martial arts. On the other end, soft qigong, designed to relax the body and improve health, fades into acu-puncture and the practice of Chinese medicine.
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