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Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter (Windsock Datafile 34)
4-12-2009, 14:36 | Просмотров: 674 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Техника
Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter (Windsock Datafile 34)
Название: Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter (Windsock Datafile 34)
Автор: J.M. Bruce
Издательство: Albatros Productions Limited
ISBN: 0948414421
Год: 1992
Страниц: 38
Формат: PDF в RAR
Размер: 22.93МБ
Язык: английский
One of the great un-sung warriors of WWI was the Sopwith LCT, the Land Clerget Tractor of the company drawing office but nicknamed forever in history as the 1 1/2 Strutter - an obvious reference to its unusual central wing strut arrangement. The Strutter enjoyed a lengthy service career and a lengthy production run in France where, as author J M Bruce relates in his narrative, the greatest number of the type was constructed. For this DATAFILE a great variety of illustrations has been selected but space precludes coverage of the single seat bomber version. The 1 1/2 Strutter is assured of its niche in British military aviation history and this book represents the best pictorial record of the type yet published.
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Pfalz D.IIIA (Windsock Datafile 21)
4-12-2009, 14:36 | Просмотров: 612 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Техника
Pfalz D.IIIA (Windsock Datafile 21)
Название: Pfalz D.IIIA (Windsock Datafile 21)
Автор: Peter M. Grosz
Издательство: Albatros Productions Limited
ISBN: 0948414251
Год: 1990
Страниц: 35
Формат: PDF в RAR
Размер: 41.57МБ
Язык: английский
The Pfalz D.IIIA offered few advantages over the D.III other than the important relocation of the machine guns to the upper fuselage thus making them more accessible to the pilot and easier to aim in combat. An increased area tailplane and rounded lower wing tips on most D.IIIAs provided some aerodynamic improvements although neither version was as readily popular with the majority of German pilots as were the Albatros D.v, Fokker Dr.I and, later, the D.VII.
This volume presents a unique reference package which includes the largest collective number of Pfalz D.IIIA photographs ever published. Once again historian Peter M. Grosz shares with us his unique archive and historical material while draughtsman Steve Simkin provides exacting detailed drawings to the standard 1/72nd and 1/48th scales which will delight all modellers. Several of the D.IIIA photographs in this book are published for the very first time and while a number of them are admittedly of poor quality, they reveal sufficiently interesting markings or rarely-appreciated details that warrant their inclusion.
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Vickers FB5 (Windsock Datafile 56)
4-12-2009, 14:36 | Просмотров: 866 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Техника
Vickers FB5 (Windsock Datafile 56)
Название: Vickers FB5 (Windsock Datafile 56)
Автор: J. M. Bruce
Издательство: Albatros Productions Limited
ISBN: 0948414758
Год: 1996
Страниц: 40
Формат: PDF в RAR
Размер: 42.89МБ
Язык: английский
On July 25 1915 the first squadron of any air arm created specifically as a fighter unit, and equipped exclusively with a single type, arrived in France. The unit was No.11 Squadron of the Royal Flying Corps and the aeroplane was the Vickers Fighting Biplane No.5. In pre-war days, the pusher was dubbed the 'Gun Bus', an unofficial soubriquet it has borne ever since, and it remains one of the immortals of WWI aviation history. The Victoria Cross was awarded to just 19 airmen in The Great War, one of these went to 2nd Lieutenant Gilbert Insall, a FB5 pilot of No.11 Squadron, for an action on November 7 1915 when with his observer/gunner Air Mechanic T H Donald he brought down an Aviatik. Following their attack the FB5 crew themselves were brought down by ground fire over German-held territory, Insall making a good landing, after which they were subjected to heavy shellfire until darkness fell. The airmen managed to repair the FB5's holed fuel tank and at dawn flew back to their airfield at Bertangles. Donald wa s awarded a DCM. This is the first ever monograph to be published on the Vickers FB5, a pictorial tribute which is long overdue...
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F-16I Sufa in IAF Service (Aircraft in Details 1)
4-12-2009, 14:36 | Просмотров: 787 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Техника
F-16I Sufa in IAF Service (Aircraft in Details 1)
Название: F-16I Sufa in IAF Service (Aircraft in Details 1)
Автор: Ra'anan Weiss
Издательство: Isra Decal
ISBN: 9657220025
Год: 2005
Страниц: 84
Формат: PDF в RAR
Размер: 71.05МБ
Язык: английский
Description and many detail photos of this modern aircraft in use with the Israeli Air Force. A full colour photo gallery with superb air to air shots is followed by a section about daily F-16I in use routine and the book is concluded with a detailed walk around the airframe followed by a never seen before compilation of detail shots and explanations of armament used by the F-16I Sufa. 4 colour profiles. 578 colour photos. The secrecy known to exist within the Israeli AF about its material seems to have disappeared completely. But you may wonder: what didn't they show me...
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4-12-2009, 14:36 | Просмотров: 899 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Техника

В книге приведены основные особенности околоэкранной аэродинамики крыла и аппарата, лежащей в основе создания экранопланов. Дана классификация и приведено описание основных конструктивных особенностей зарубежных экранопланов, их корпусов энергетических установок, стартовых устройств.
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Энциклопедия Формула 1 (1900 -2003)
4-12-2009, 14:36 | Просмотров: 769 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Техника
Энциклопедия Формула 1 (1900 -2003)

Автор: Экс Форс
Название: Энциклопедия Формула 1 (1900 -2003)
Издательство: Multitrade
Год: 2004
Формат: ISO
Размер: 654,31 Мб

Перед вами не просто полная, а САМАЯ ПОЛНАЯ энциклопедия гонок "Формула-1". Такая вещь необходима не только фанатам, но и любым поклонникам спорта. Где еще вы узнаете подробнейшие биографии всех 27-ми чемпионов, ознакомитесь с краткой историей и личными достижениями 219-ти пилотов, прочтете и увидите информацию обо всех 103-х командах, познакомитесь с подробным описанием 62-х трасс. Любителям цифр - полная статистика, которую вы не найдете ни в одном периодическом издании, подробные описания и фотографии двигателей, великие конструкторы Формулы и, конечно же, все действующие правила и регламент гонок. Кроме того, на диске собрано около четырехсот видеофрагментов (из которых добрая половина - самые знаменитые аварии, которые случались за сотню лет гонок), свыше трех тысяч фотографий и подробная история развития самой Формулы-1. Море информации, которую вы нигде не найдете!
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WWP Special Museum Line No.18: Horch in Detail. Horch 108 Typ 1a und 40, Schwerer Einheits-Pkw. als Gruppenwagen Kfz. 18/21
4-12-2009, 14:36 | Просмотров: 738 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Техника
WWP Special Museum Line No.18: Horch in Detail. Horch 108 Typ 1a und 40, Schwerer Einheits-Pkw. als Gruppenwagen Kfz. 18/21
Название: WWP Special Museum Line No.18: Horch in Detail. Horch 108 Typ 1a und 40, Schwerer Einheits-Pkw. als Gruppenwagen Kfz. 18/21
Автор: F.Koran, J.Starosta, V.Lehar
Издательство: Wings & Wheels Publications
ISBN: 8086416097
Год: 2001
Страниц: 62
Формат: PDF в RAR
Размер: 17.35МБ
Язык: чешский
140 B&W photos, 98 colour photos, 2 line drawings of the chasis. Another gloriously detailed photo manual for modellers and enthusiasts with detail colour shots from every conceivable angle, inside and out, of the examples preserved by private collectors. Each photo is accompanied by explanatory notes. Czech text.
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Elements of Wavelets for Engineers and Scientists
4-12-2009, 14:36 | Просмотров: 1083 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Техника
Elements of Wavelets for Engineers and Scientists

Название: Elements of Wavelets for Engineers and Scientists
Автор: Mix D.F. Olejnicak K.J.
Издательтсво: Wiley-interscience
Год: 2003
Страниц: 236
Формат: djvu
Размер: 6.2 Mb
Язык: анлийский
An indispensable guide to understanding wavelets
Elements of Wavelets for Engineers and Scientists is a guide to wavelets for "the rest of us"-practicing engineers and scientists, nonmathematicians who want to understand and apply such tools as fast Fourier and wavelet transforms. It is carefully designed to help professionals in nonmathematical fields comprehend this very mathematically sophisticated topic and be prepared for further study on a more mathematically rigorous level.
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Nieuport 17 (Windsock Datafile 20)
4-12-2009, 14:36 | Просмотров: 726 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Техника
Nieuport 17 (Windsock Datafile 20)
Название: Nieuport 17 (Windsock Datafile 20)
Автор: J. M. Bruce
Издательство: Albatros Productions Limited
ISBN: 0948414243
Год: 1999
Страниц: 36
Формат: PDF в RAR
Размер: 41.53МБ
Язык: английский
The subtitle to this Datafile emphasizes the problems of identification that continue to confuse enthusiasts when French WWI Nieuport nomenclature is studied. In order to help modellers differentiate between the Nieuport 17 and its various relatives, JM Bruce has also provided illustrations and data for the 17 bis, 21 and 23 while Ian Stair reflects the scope of the contents by providing drawings for all these versions. The Nieuport 17 has always been a firm favourite with modellers and full-size replica builders the world over and this compilation of archive photographs, together with a sampling of the original 1917 German Rozendaal drawings based on captured examples, makes a valuable contribution to our knowledge of this classic WWI French design.
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Ремонт электродвигателей
4-12-2009, 14:35 | Просмотров: 858 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Техника
Ремонт электродвигателей
Название: Ремонт электродвигателей
Автор: Мандрыкин С.А.
Издательство: Энергоатомиздат
Год: 1983
Страниц: 88
Формат: djvu
Размер: 2,1 Мб (+3%)
Описан ремонт крупных и средних электродвигателей. Указан порядок разборки и сборки электродвигателей. Рассмотрены дефекты, выявляемые при ремонте. Приведены нормы на зазоры в подшипниках, на неравномерность зазоров между статором и ротором, на вибрацию. описаны ремонт и замена подшипников, правка валов, центровка двигателей с механизмами. Для слесарей и электромонтеров.
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