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Luftwaffe Bomber Camouflage & Markings 1940 (1) - купить в электронном или бумажном виде

Luftwaffe Bomber Camouflage & Markings 1940 (1)

Luftwaffe Bomber Camouflage & Markings 1940 (1) (Aircam Aviation Series Special 10)
By Christopher Shores

Publisher: Osprey 1972 48 Pages
ISBN: 0850450748
The midsummer of 1940 found the German Luft­waffe about 10 launch an all-cut air offensive against the British Isles, for which purpose it had at iu dis­posal three substantial l.uftflotten (Air Fleets) at airfields along the whole western seaboard of Europe. In the south, units of Lufiftotte 3 stood ready ai bases in France, while in the north was Lultflotte 5 in Norway and Denmark; centre, Holland, Belgium and Northern France, closest 10 targets in Southern England, was the base of operations of Lufrfloue 2. Luftflotten 2 and 3 bad recently participated in the Battle of France during May and June, while Lult-flotte 5 had engaged in the occupation of Denmark and Norway during approximately the same period; all units had now been brought up to strength, or re-equipped, since the recent successful campaigns, and most had enjoyed at least a degree of respite from operational flying.

19-11-2009, 01:29 | Просмотров: 732 | Комментариев: 0 | Опубликовал: Admin          Катерогия:Военная теметика
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