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Napoleon’s German Enemies. The Armies of Hanover, Brunswick, Hesse-Cassel and the Hanseatic Cities (1792 - 1815) - купить в электронном или бумажном виде

Napoleon’s German Enemies. The Armies of Hanover, Brunswick, Hesse-Cassel and the Hanseatic Cities (1792 - 1815)

Napoleon’s German Enemies. The Armies of Hanover, Brunswick, Hesse-Cassel and the Hanseatic Cities (1792 - 1815)
By George F. Nafziger

Publisher: Nafziger collection 1993 113 Pages
ISBN: n/a
Having spent over a year on the Isle of Wight undergoing a period of reorganisation and re-equipping the infantry of the Brunswick-Oels Jaegers landed at Lisbon, Portugal on 8 October 1810. ‘…The initial force consisted of Prussians who were good, well trained soldiers, but the campaigns in Spain gradually reduced this. The replacements were of German and other extraction and were the “worst” recruits. The better material was always sent to the KGL. They were “a motley crew, much given to desertion-on several occasions large parties went off together”. They could not be trusted on outpost duty, but they rendered good service in battle. …’

23-12-2009, 14:02 | Просмотров: 1436 | Комментариев: 0 | Опубликовал: Admin          Катерогия:Военная теметика
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