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English Electric (B.A.C.) Lightning in Royal Air Force and Foreign Service
8-11-2009, 19:54 | Просмотров: 792 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Военная теметика
English Electric (B.A.C.) Lightning in Royal Air Force and Foreign Service

English Electric (B.A.C.) Lightning in Royal Air Force and Foreign Service (Aircam Aviation 37)
By Roger Levy

Publisher: Osprey 1973 52 Pages
ISBN: 0850451388
More than 20 years since its conception, and over a decade since its service introduction, the English Electric (BAC) Lightning is still one of the world's finest inter­ceptor aircraft and is likely to remain the mainstay of Britain's fighter defences for ai least a further four or five years and possibly even longer, as well as serving With the air forces of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
Not only does the Lightning have an outstanding rate of climb (initially abour 50,000 fr./min.). a maximum speed of the order of Mach 2.27 (1,500 m.p.h.)> and a service ceiling well in excess of 60,000 feet, but it com­bines this performance with highly responsive yet docile handling characteristics throughout its flight envelope, making it both an enjoyable aircraft to fly and a stable and effective weapons system.
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Focke-Wulf Fw 190A/F/G Luftwaffe
8-11-2009, 19:54 | Просмотров: 838 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Военная теметика
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A/F/G Luftwaffe

Focke-Wulf Fw 190A/F/G Luftwaffe (Aircam Aviation 44)
By Christopher Shores

Publisher: Osprey 1974 52 Pages
ISBN: 0850452031
In the early autumn of 1941 the pilots of Spitfire 5 fighters of the Royal Air Force's Fighter Command, reported meeting small numbers of a new German fighter during their regular forays over the coastal region of North-Western France. The new aircraft was considered unusual at that stage in that it was powered by a radial engine, at a time when the world's best fighters were virtually all seen to feature the "pointed*' nose of the more streamlined inline power plant. Initially the Intelligence authorities suggested that these surprise new opponents might be Curtiss Hawk 75As captured from the French in 1940, and now pressed into service by the Luftwaffe. This theory quickly fell by the wayside, for it was at once apparent from early reports that the fighter possessed a performance in many ways superior to both the Messerschmitt Bf I09F, and the Supermarine Spitfire 5, the then-current equipment of the major combatants.
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The Monitor and the navy under steam
8-11-2009, 19:54 | Просмотров: 655 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Военная теметика
The Monitor and the navy under steam

Автор: Frank M. Bennett
Издательство: Boston and New York : Houghton, Mifflin and company
Год: 1900
Язык: English
Страниц: 448
Формат: PDF
Размер: 19mb
This book is written at the request of the pub¬lishers as a history of the origin, career, and influence of the United States ironclad steamer Monitor. The subject is a broad one, but is lim¬ited herein by the space proposed to only a cursory treatment. Many details have by necessity been left out, and only such material has been used as would serve best to indicate the important stages and events of the progressive story. It is the hope of the author that he has presented enough to impress his readers with the magnitude of the changes in all branches of human industry, and particularly in naval methods, that have been brought about by the steam engine during the course of the nineteenth century.
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Озеро Хасан. Год 1938
8-11-2009, 19:54 | Просмотров: 738 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Военная теметика
Озеро Хасан. Год 1938

Автор: Иван Николаевич Шкадов
Название: Озеро Хасан. Год 1938
Издательство: Воениздат
Год: 1988
Формат: fb2
Размер: 1,17 mb
Автор книги, генерал армии, Герой Советского Союза, на основе личных впечатлений рассказывает об одной из славных страниц в истории Вооруженных Сил СССР — боях с японскими захватчиками на озере Хасан, о мужестве и доблести советских воинов, о том, как молодые офицеры в тяжелых испытаниях приобретали боевой опыт и мастерство, учились умело руководить подразделениями.
Рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.
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Истребитель-разведчик Як-27Р. ''Стелсы'' 30-х
8-11-2009, 19:54 | Просмотров: 598 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Военная теметика
Истребитель-разведчик Як-27Р. ''Стелсы'' 30-х

Автор:Н. Якубович, М. Орлов
Название:Истребитель-разведчик Як-27Р. ''Стелсы'' 30-х
Издательство: Стратегия КМ
Формат:PDF в RAR
Размер:10,9 Mb
Описание:В книге расказано об истребителе-разведчике Як-27,история создания,конструкция,боевое применение.
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Philadelphia 1777: Taking the Capital
8-11-2009, 19:54 | Просмотров: 696 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Военная теметика
Philadelphia 1777: Taking the Capital

Philadelphia 1777: Taking the Capital (Campaign 176)
By Justin Clement, Stephen Walsh

Publisher: Osprey 2007 96 Pages
ISBN: 1846030331
The outcome of the campaign for Philadelphia in 1777 can be seen as the turning point in the American War of Independence. The outbreak of the war two years earlier had created a split between Britain and its North American colonies and it was the actions in taking Philadelphia that precipitated the defeat of the British which led to eventual independence for the emerging American nation. Justin Clements book is part of the Osprey Campaign series and its subject matter sits well in the uniform structure of these excellent titles. The usual sections are here, taking us through the background to the campaign, the opposing commanders and the opposing forces, along with a good concise narrative outlining the chronology of the various encounters. An excellent order of battle shows the numbers of troops present in each formation with a break-down of the casualties sustained by each unit. All this combines to form a good concise reference for one of the most interesting periods of the War of Independence. Stephen Walsh provides the colour battle plates for the main text and the author has been fortunate to have access to some very good colour portraits of the various uniforms of the participating troops. These along with some contemporary black and white plates make it a visually exciting book. As you would expect, Osprey has once again commissioned excellent maps from the Map Studio and bird's eye views of the battlefield from the Black Spot, both of whom make a great contribution to the visual excellence of this series. All in all Philadelphia 1777 is another great title from Osprey.
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Kriegsmarine Type VII U-Boats (Warship Pictorial No. 27)
8-11-2009, 19:54 | Просмотров: 1445 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Военная теметика
Kriegsmarine Type VII U-Boats (Warship Pictorial No. 27)
Название: Kriegsmarine Type VII U-Boats (Warship Pictorial No. 27)
Автор: Steve Wiper
Издательство: Classic Warships Publishing
ISBN: 0974568767
Год: 2004
Страниц: 74
Формат: PDF в RAR
Размер: 28.18МБ
Язык: английский
The Type VII U-boat was the most widely used submarine of the German Navy before and during the Second World War period. This volume from the Warship Pictorial series books covers all variants of the Type VII built, from the U-27 Type VII, thru to the U-1308 Type VIIC/41, including both the Type VIID and the Type VIIF. The book covers these submarines with 121 black & white and 6 color photos; plus the addition of 8 line drawings and 13 color computer rendered illustrations. Many of the black & white photos have never been in print before and all the illustrations are new. As with all the books in this series, the history is covered with extensive captions on all photos.
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Марш на Кавказ: Битва за нефть 1942-1943 гг
8-11-2009, 19:54 | Просмотров: 744 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Военная теметика
Марш на Кавказ: Битва за нефть 1942-1943 гг
Автор: Тике В.
Издательство: Эксмо
Год издания: 2005
Страниц: 448
ISBN: 5-699-09153-X
Язык: русский
Формат: DOC
Размер: 11,9 Мб
Нефть - кровь современной войны! Она жизненно необходима для танков, самолетов, автомобилей... Если нет нефти - нет горючего, вся эта грозная техника превращается в одно мгновение в бесполезную груду металла. А потому именно захват кавказских нефтепромыслов во вторую летнюю кампанию на Востоке в 1942 г. должен был обеспечить немецкую военную промышленность необходимыми запасами нефти и стать залогом победы - так считал Гитлер и его окружение.
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Early Armoured Cars
8-11-2009, 19:54 | Просмотров: 756 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Военная теметика
Early Armoured Cars
Название: Early Armoured Cars
Автор: E. Bartholomew
Издательство: Shire Publications
ISBN: 0852639082
Год: 1988
Страниц: 34
Формат: PDF в RAR
Размер: 7.89МБ
Язык: английский
Armoured cars were the first armoured fighting vehicles.This book traces their development from the first improvised designs to the turreted armoured cars in service during the First World War.The emphasis is mainly on British vehicles, but foreign armoured cars are also included.The book is illustrated with photographs from the archives of the Tank Museum at Bovington in Dorset.
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"Катюши" советского флота. Подводные лодки типа "К" XIV серии
8-11-2009, 19:54 | Просмотров: 827 | Комментариев 0          Катерогия:Военная теметика
"Катюши" советского флота. Подводные лодки типа "К" XIV серии

Автор: Морозов М.Э., Кулагин К.Л.
Издательство: Моделист-конструктор
Год: 2007
Страниц: 36
Формат: PDF
Размер: 20 MB

Это первая часть монографии, посвященная советским подводным лодкам типа "К" (XIV серии). Сюда вошли главы, в каторых подробно освещены предыстория появления крейсерских субмарин в нашем флоте, проектирование и постройка знаменитых "катюш". Приводится их техническое описание, разбираются достоинства и недостатки проекта.
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